My Journey
I began in foundation repair in 2003 with Olshan Foundation Repair as a salesman in Nashville, Tennessee. In January 2005 I was asked to move to Birmingham as the General Manager for Alabama and the Florida Panhandle. My office had the highest net profit for the company in 2006. In 2007, we were awarded the designation of “Location of The Year”.
During the recession plan of 2008 there was major downsizing and I moved from Olshan to AFS. I was a sales representative for AFS since January 2011. Last year I could see that my direction was challenged at AFS and I left to pursue a more satisfying direction.
At that point, I formed Independent Inspection. I inspect structural, foundation, crawlspaces, moisture, waterproofing and anything associated. If you need a repair plan I will provide one at no cost.
I will give you my recommendation as to whom I feel would be the best company or individual for the project. If you use them they will honor me with a finders fee, if not you owe nothing.
My Resume
1971 USMC Honorable Discharge Sgt. E-5 Inactive Secret Clearance
Certificate of Commendation received from CINCPAC Admiral John McCain
1971-1973 Atlanta Children’s Theatre - Technical Director 1973
1973 Received Tennessee General Contractor License
1974-1981 Scates Construction
Tennessee State Historical Commission award- “Commercial Restoration”- 1981
1981-1989 Various Construction Management positions
Senior Project Manager - 50 Unit Residential PUD project, 3 Story Office Park
Designed four Television Station rehabilitations , Norman Lear Company.
General Contractor - Channel 17 Fox Renovations , Nashville, Tn.
1992 Manufacturing Representative Manager for companies including
Technical Concrete Fastening, Sunroom, Glazing and Caulking. Southeastern U.S.
1993-2003 Patio Enclosures – General Manager
Opened and operated custom sunroom business in Nashville, Tn. First branch operation to profit in first quarter and in the first year. As a selling Branch Manager, qualified for the Presidents Sales Club.
2003-2011 Olshan Foundation Repair- Sales representative, Inspector, Branch manager
2011-2022 AFS Foundation Repair- Sales
2022-current Mold and Mildew Company- National Certified Mold Inspection, Remediation, Protocol
2022-current Independent Inspections